The English Club
The English Club e.V.
Burgemeister Smidt Strasse 3-5
28195 Bremen
President: David Reid
Webmaster: website@englishclub.de
Bank Connection: Bremer Sparkasse
IBAN DE51 2905 0101 0083 1278 29
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All texts, all photographs, all the design elements of these pages are copyright protected for the English Club e.V. unless another copyright is stated. Any use outside the narrow limits of the copyright law is prohibited without the consent of the English Club e.V. Committee.
On this website we may have links to other websites on the internet. For all those links, the English Club e.V. does not have any influence on the design and contents of the linked pages. Therefore we do not take any responsibility for the content and design of these pages. This declaration applies to all links displayed on this homepage and to all contents of the pages to which the registered banners and links lead.